- Is your company a sponsor, media patron, partner, organizer or co-organizer of an event (festival, concert, company event, competition, sports event…) or is planning to be one?
- Would you like to discover and understand the inner workings of a specific event?
- Meet the attendees of a specific event?
- Find out the motivations of attendees of a specific event?
- Learn expectations and opinions of attendees regarding the course of a specific event?
- Discover and understand brands activities during a specific event?
EventView (EV) is a multi-module qualitative-quantitative study that allows to answer questions mentioned above through employing explicit and implicit participant observation, individual interviews, documenting the event and its surrounding areas in pictures, observation of online activities, quantitative surveys and quantitative research.
EventView is a method that makes it possible to describe and understand an event (its inner workings, attendees, brands, activities), so in the future befitting changes could be implemented to optimize the course of an event (arrangement of space, choice of attendees and content, brand activities, informational and promotional activities).
The EventView method consists of following modules:
- explicit and implicit offline participant observation (during the event)
- observation of online activities (pre-, during and post-event)
- quantitative surveys (during the event)
- quantitative research – one or more waves (post-event)

Krzysztof Kamil Jurków
Director of Qualitative Department
Mobile: +48 661 014 846
E-mail: krzysztofkamil.jurkow@masmi.com